Impact / Strengthening the Latinx Community

LCF Georgia is the only organization in the state committed and dedicated to invest in Latinos in Georgia through our community leaders, organizations, students, and entrepreneurs.


(click here to download our 2023 Impact Card)

Our Programs, Standards, and Impact.

Civic Participation & Community

We touch every single Latino/Hispanic voter at least twice every year. People reached through our civic engagement efforts are 20% more likely to vote. We center all our work on mixed status, undocumented, English learners, folks in essential jobs and those with dependents.

Latino Network of Organizations Support

Consistent and FREE technical assistance and support to member organizations to strengthen their operations and infrastructure. Over 300 leaders served annually.

Over 40 member organizations across the state

Health & Wellbeing

We are the only nonprofit program offering FREE health screenings, education and immunizations consistently within the Latino community in the state

We have staff in South Georgia, at the Mexican Consulate and in community every week.

Community Investments / Intermediary

By the end of 2024 we will have invested over $6 million dollars in cash directly in Latino-led organizations and individuals in Georgia through grants, scholarships and emergency assistance.

We re-grant between 1 and 2/3 of our budget annually

Previous Annual Impact Reports

Download the annual impact report from each year to see more numbers and stories about our impact on the Latinx community in Georgia.

Get to know us and our team! (and a little video when we received the OHTLI Award in 2021)

Testimonials from members and people we touch every year

2020 Voters

“Thank you for doing your part. It’s so important. I will be working the polls on Tuesday and people like you have inspired me to get more involved.”

Text received during text-banking shift during Don’t Boo, Vote! Text-Banking Party, November 2020

“Thank you so much for checking in with me. I have already voted AND FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE!!”

Text received during text-banking shift, November 1, 2020

Member Organization

“Quick responses to our questions, always kind, respectful and very helpful. Because of you, we have been able to explore options we never thought we could. Our organization is being recognized more and more in the community because of your leadership and support. Please continue informing, educating, being a leader in the community and support to small non-profits.”

Note from a member organization submitted as part of COVID-19 Emergency Relief Grant Report

Young Scholarship Recipient

“I would like to thank you guys for giving me the opportunity to learn more of piano, because I was asking for lessons for a long time. This will help me a lot. I am very hopeful and happy. Sincerely, Valerie.”

2020 Dream Big Scholarship Fund Recipient