LCF Georgia Value Statements
What We Believe and Value
- We uphold and embrace all dimensions of diversity, including, race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, gender expressions, sexual orientation, socioeconomic or documentation status, ability, and belief systems.
- We believe that members of our Board, staff and allies must stand for and uphold equitable practices and behaviors for the Latino community.
- We believe that our Board, staff, and allies must speak up and use their collective voices to acknowledge the foundational inequities and injustices embedded in the systems we live and work within.
- We believe that understanding and recognizing the intersectionality of our lived experiences is essential to providing an equitable and supportive environment for all.
- We value and respect the differences of all people and seek to uplift their unique voices and perspectives through our mission and work.
- We value the diverse representation of the Latino community and seek to uphold their dignity and cultural beliefs.
- We acknowledge that systems affect everyone differently.
- We do not assume a person’s experience or perspective, nor do we believe that services and interventions must be identical to meet an individual or community’s goals and needs.
Racial Equity
- We believe that embracing racial equity in all aspects of our work embodies our values, policies, and practices as a Latino community-based organization. By prioritizing racial equity, we continue to build, strengthen, and advocate for the Latino communities we serve.
- Our commitment is to dismantle systemic racism and identifying oppressive practices and policies which marginalize the lives of those from non-dominant cultures and backgrounds.
How We Do Our Work
- We commit to equity, diversity, and inclusion by ensuring our initiatives are developed with cultural awareness and address many aspects of life.
- When making decisions, we utilize a lens of equity to focus on building and strengthening the Latino community by including partners, allies, and team members from the community.
- Our programs and efforts are designed for the most vulnerable or those with limited access, so our activities can be accessible to most people.
- We build on the legacy of those that first sought to secure our civil and human rights. We recognize and uplift the work done by these leaders and seek to invest and trust in a new generation of community leaders.
- Our ongoing commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion requires our investment in dialogue and solidarity with others to create a country where we can collectively thrive and attain our aspirations.