
LCF Georgia advances knowledge of the Latino community through publications, research, and studies. Our efforts would not be possible without our members and partners whom we partner with to collect data, develop processes and provide guidance to what we want to study.

It is our hope, these reports provide the data and information needed to champion inclusive and equitable policies and inform outreach, investments and programs across Georgia.

HB 1105 Advisory for Cities and Counties

Intended to be a resource for local public leaders, city attorneys, Sheriff departments, law enforcement, jailers and other decision-makers. Should you have questions or require more information, please email us.

The 2023 Health Status of Latinos in Georgia Report

Data source: Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing (Emory University), Morehouse School of Medicine, Emory College of Arts and Sciences (Emory University) & Latino Community Fund INC (LCF Georgia). We are happy if this is useful to you. Please mention LCF Georgia if reprinting

What Happens When You Give the Community Resources It Needs:

Data source: National Center for Farmworker Health featuring LCF Georgia

The National Center for Farmworker Health published a collection of innovative and replicable community-based best practices during COVID-19. All strategies showcase the importance and impact farmworker-serving organizations and community partnerships have had on mitigating the spread of COVID-19 and improving the lives of farmworkers and their families

State of Latino Funding in Georgia (2012-2019 analysis)

Data source: Candid / Hispanics in Philanthropy. Analysis by LCF Georgia

We are happy if this is useful to you. Please mention LCF Georgia if reprinting

2022 Conoce tus Derechos y Entiende el Sistema de Salud de los EEUU

En este libro aprenderá sobre como funciona la atención médica, qué servicios son públicos o privados, los diferentes tipos de médicos e información sobre enfermedades crónicas

2022 Roadmap and Recommendations for the Success of English Learners in Georgia

This document is meant to provide guidance and recommendations to school administrators and school districts working to provide quality K-12 education for all students, including English Learners.

2021 Trabajando Juntos / Working Together

This study examines how a group of LCF Georgia member organizations fared both on their own and as a coalition to respond to the needs of vulnerable Latinx Georgians in the wake of the shutdown and economic disruption. The study documents how these organizations worked together, and it also documents how they provided assistance to each other in supporting their efforts.

2021 The Impact of COVID in Diverse Communities

In 2020 the New American Economy (NAE), wanted to better understand why COVID-19 had such disproportionately severe economic and health impacts on BIPOC and immigrant communities in 5 cities. LCF Georgia and the Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Immigrants Affairs expanded the scope of the data collection from a city to a state-wide effort and incorporated translations and outreach to communities that spoke languages other than English and Spanish with particular emphasis on Portuguese and Mayan languages.

The Georgia-specific analysis centers on comparing different ways in which the crisis was experienced by immigrants, children of immigrants, non-immigrants, and Metro vs. Outside Metro Atlanta.

COVID-19 Low-Barrier Playbook

The COVID-19 Vaccination Efforts and Communication Barriers playbook features key recommendations and best practices so anybody interested in hosting a vaccination event can have clear guidance on how to make sure anyone who is ready to receive the vaccine can have easy access in a welcoming environment.

In 2020, the  Latino Community Fund, the Community Foundation for Greater Atlanta and the Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce convened a collaborative network of community organizations, funders, health systems and nonprofits, with a clear equity lens, centering race, language, documentation status, age and ability as critical considerations for all efforts.

2020 Colorea y Aprende / Color and Learn

To encourage families to have a fun activity to do during the pandemic and learn about our history and those that led with their lives’ work to secure the rights we have now, we assembled a group of artists to create unique artwork on key yet oftentimes unknown leaders of color in the US. A call to action to lead and participate is included

2020 LCF Georgia Funding Principles

After the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of 4 member organizations co-created in 48 hours a set of funding principles prioritizing communities who should receive COVID-19 emergency assistance. LCF Georgia has adopted and expanded these principles to all of our grantmaking practices.

2019 Prevent Notary Fraud / Prevenga el Fraude Notarial

A document created by the Delivering on the Dream – Georgia Collaborative to prevent the most common type of fraud immigrants encounter. The document is in Spanish and includes nonprofit legal providers offering services on a sliding scale or low-bono.

2018 Georgia Latino Entrepreneurship Study

The Georgia Latino Entrepreneurship Report (GLER) is a research project of the Latino Community Fund (LCF Georgia) to advance knowledge of Latino business owners in Georgia. It identifies needs and opportunities for these individuals to meet their potential and aspirations as breadwinners and wealth builders. Furthermore, the report presents findings and recommendations for the government, nonprofit, and financial sectors. It identifies strategies for equitable economic self-sufficiency and growth by creating and expanding opportunities for Latino business owners.

Acoso Sexual En El Trabajo

In partnership with the Feminist Health Center (Lifting Latinx Voices Program) and supported by the Times Up Legal Defense Fund we were able to develop this booklet in Spanish and inclusive of Trans communities to recognize sexual harassment at work and how to protect each other, report it and pursue legal action

2017 Latino-Led and Latino-Serving Organizations are Key to Georgia’s Future

A new funding model-one that incorporates an equity lens throughout the decision process and selection and is based on the reality of Georgia’s demographics, as well as the challenges for grassroots organizations, is needed in order to accelerate positive impact in our community and truly facilitate the integration of thousands of families into the fabric of the state. Data collected from 45 local organizations, 990 filings and Foundation Center analysis were used to develop this point of view.