Mobilizing voters and empowering civic engagement within Latinx/Hispanic communities in Georgia advances people’s democracy and drives real change. Democracy was built to be participatory.
Together with our partners, we launched the Latinos for Democracy initiative, a nonpartisan voter mobilization effort aiming to increase the turn out of Latino voters in Georgia, in 2018. Through Latinos for Democracy, our mission is to mobilize Latinx voters in Georgia for each and every election in the state. This year’s elections are for mayor, city council, boards of education and municipal judges. It’s your chance to have a say in choosing the decision-makers in your city.
Promoting Civic Engagement
To promote and facilitate civic engagement within Latinx communities across Georgia, we focus on the following:
- Information – Spreading awareness and providing details about the types of elections occurring and how those elections affect the community
- Education– Sharing details on the candidates and where they stand on policies important to the Latinx community
- Registration – Helping people register to vote and training new volunteers or advocates joining the cause
- Mobilization – Letting people know when the election is, where to go to vote, and helping them get there
- Protection – Making sure that no one is harassed at the polls and that everyone is able to exercise their rights
The Impact
More than 275,000 Latinos are registered to vote in Georgia, but there are more than 351,000 eligible community members.
Latinos in Georgia make up 5% of the total electoral vote and can significantly influence policy in our state. Those that our initiatives contact show up to the polls 56% of the time, which is an estimated 20% improvement from those that we have no communication with.
According to The Hill Reporter, during the last midterm elections in 2018, Millennial Latinx voters showing up to the polls increased by 700% compared to the previous midterm. The Latinx community as a whole increased voter turnout by 400%.
According to NBC News, Gwinnett County Latinx voter turnout soared to 75% in 2020.
- Over 50% of the early voters in person were Latinos under 40 years old.
- 46% of all voters in the Presidential election had not voted in 2016.
We are here to help the Latinx/Hispanic community in Georgia use its voice and vote to champion the policies that facilitate growth opportunities for our community, families, students and entrepreneurs.

Partners in Civic Engagement
This collaborative effort is in partnership with the following member organizations:
In line with our work to promote civic engagement across the state, we are part of the Georgia Immigrant Alliance for Civic Participation and members of the ProGeorgia table.