Advancing Democracy

Through our efforts to advance people’s democracy, we encourage, promote and work to ensure that every individual participates in the democratic processes that exist in this country.

Not everyone can vote, but everyone can participate in our democracy.

  • Everyone can advocate for their rights.
  • Everyone can keep their elected and appointed officials accountable.
  • Everyone can volunteer to encourage civic participation.
  • Everyone can help out a neighbor interested in exercising their rights. 

The more Latinx people participate in democracy, the more visibility we’ll have for our community — a very diverse, hardworking, generous community that has always been here.

Advancing Community Knowledge

We make research and publications available at no cost on our website.

Election Protection Coalition

This collaboration ensures that voters learn, recognize, and uphold their rights to participate in democracy.

We advance people’s democracy, by weaving these priorities and efforts together. We encourage turnout and participation and then, we advocate to keep those officials accountable to our community’s needs.