#EstamosAquí Fiesta! Celebrating Latinx Heritage, Culture, Joy and Growth

Hosted by the Latino Community Fund – LCF Georgia, the festival will be Saturday, Sept. 10, from 3-8 p.m. at Historic Fourth Ward Park Amphitheater.


Gigi Pedraza, gigi@lcfgeorgia.org

Daniela Racines, Daniela@LCFGeorgia.org

(678) 705-2057

The Estamos Aquí Fiesta — We Are Here Festival — celebrates Latinx heritage, culture, joy and growth as part of Hispanic Heritage Month. 

The free, family-friendly festival will include live music including the performance of “Estamos Aquí,” an original song by Mexican American rapper Victor Mariachi. Mariachi’s song is the centerpiece for LCF-Georgia’s nonpartisan Get Out the Vote Campaign. Watch the video at https://estamosaquifiesta.com

“This is the first celebration of Latinix heritage, culture, joy and growth and kicks off Hispanic/Latinx Heritage Month,” said Gigi Pedraza, founder and executive director of LCF-Georgia. Hispanic Heritage Month is held Sept. 15-Oct. 15.

“The goal of the event is to affirm, recognize and celebrate the Latino presence in Atlanta,” Pedraza said. “There will be lots of Latinx talent, mostly young and very diverse in background and genres, local vendors and nonprofit organizations.

“We want to inspire and motivate community members to engage civically to the best of their capacity,” she said. “For example: voting or pledging to vote; committing to bringing a friend to vote; volunteering for causes that matter to you; keeping elected and appointed officials accountable; helping a neighbor, or friends.”


  • Folkloric groups 
  • Contemporary Latinx artists 
  • Bazaar / mercado of Latino entrepreneurs 
  • Nonprofit and community organizations with resources and volunteer opportunities 
  • Children’s activities 
  • Food vendors
  • Space to eat /enjoy the live music 


Facebook: www.facebook.com/lcfgeorgia | @LCFGeorgia
Instagram: www.instagram.com/lcf_georgia | @lcf_georgia 


#EstamosAquí #VotamosAquí #GALatinoVote #EstamosAquiFiesta #GALatinxLeaders 

DJ Esme 
CLILA Grupo Folklorico 
C.O.T Band 
DJ Vitillaz 
CLILA Grupo Folklorico
Kat on the Muv  
Victor Mariachi 
Nino Augustine 
DJ Florista + DJ Villitaz

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